How To Bake Your HomeMade Nigerian Moi Moi

baked nigerian moi moi
By preparing Nigerian Moi in the broiler, I get these charming glass measured Moi that children love. They are additionally the ideal size for when you have visitors. 

Instructions to Bake Nigerian Moi in the Oven [Video] 

Elements for Baked Nigerian Moi 

For 12 biscuit measures of Moi, you will require: 

350g dark looked at beans 

1 habanero pepper 

1 major red chime pepper 

2 stock solid shapes 

2 cooking spoons vegetable oil 

1 tablespoon ground crawfish 

1 teaspoon nutmeg 

1 onion 

Salt (to taste) 

Warm water (for granulating and blending) 
baked nigerian moi moi

Notes about the fixings 

The red ringer pepper is to include shading and a pleasant flavor to the prepared Moi. Use Tatashe on the off chance that you are in Nigeria, if these two are not accessible to utilize, use tinned tomato puree. In any case, utilize that sparingly else the Moi will have a tart tomato taste. 

You can likewise utilize beans flour to set up this. See the technique at: Cooking Nigerian Moi with Beans Flour. 

At the point when pounding the beans, utilize simply enough water to help the cutting edges of your blender turn. 

For a flavorful taste, use vapid and scentless vegetable oils like the vegetable oils sold in Nigeria and sunflower oil. Try not to utilize olive oil. 

Devices and Equipment for Baked Nigerian Moi 


Biscuit plate or whatever other holder 

Aluminum foil 



Blender (if utilizing beans seeds) 

Notes about the instruments 

You can utilize compartments in diverse shapes and sizes to prepare Moi in the broiler yet remember that on the off chance that you utilize say a cake skillet and fill it with Moi blend, you should heat the Moi for any longer than the 45 minutes I expressed underneath. 

The 12-container biscuit plate takes around 600 mls of Moi blend. See consistency in the video beneath. 


In the event that you are utilizing beans seeds, peel the beans, mix and blend the Nigerian Moi as normal utilizing the accompanying methods: 

Set your broiler to 200°C, 390F or Gas Mark 6 to preheat. Set it to prepare that is, beat and down warming. 

Rub vegetable oil in the biscuit mugs. 

Empty the Moi blend into the biscuit mugs. 

Spread with aluminum thwart and crease the foil into the sides of the biscuit glass. This aluminum foil keeps the Moi from going away. 

Pour some water in the stove plate and place the biscuit plate with the Moi blend in the plate. 

Prepare in the preheated stove for 45 minutes. Check it every now and then to guarantee there is dependably water in the stove plate. In the event that it would appear that it is going away, top up the water. 

Whenever done, leave to chill off totally and bring them out from the biscuit mugs. 

Serve promptly or store in the cooler. Nigerian Moi stores well in the cooler. 

I adore preparing Nigerian Moi in the broiler particularly these charming biscuit glass sizes in light of the fact that my girl cherishes it for breakfast on a school day. 

I make a few clusters of this and store for her in the cooler. Watch the video beneath to perceive how I stack them in a compartment before solidifying them. Whatever I do is bring one out and leave on the kitchen counter to defrost (for the most part takes around 20 minutes), then I warm it up in the microwave broiler on medium warmth and it's prepared for her to eat. 

In the event that you have any inquiries regarding heating Nigerian Moi in the broiler, click here to ask me

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