now learn How to make Ankara bags – 5 step tutorial

Did you apperceive you can accomplish your own Ankara accouterments and get as abounding as you like? Get the tutorial. It's quick and cheap.
Girls just adulation accouterments and shoes. They can accept dozens of them and still attend for more. Discovering how to accomplish Ankara accouterments will advice you accumulate abroad from getting broke. These accouterments can be cheer to purchase. So, why not accomplish them in DIY appearance instead? There are two methods to pick. One is revamping an old bag. You just yield it and adapt it accouterment with Ankara fabric. The added way is crafting a new bag from the scratch.Let us yield a glance at both of those and chase the simple 5 footfall process, use adorned African prints to appearance your own cute and hip apparel and accessories. Now bed-making abilities needed.
Method #1 – how to adapt Ankara bags
Materials and supplies:
An old bag
Ankara fabric
1. Prepare the bag
Ankara appearance styles can be acclimated for assorted types of accouterments and purses. However, the easiest one is revamping a clutch. You can use any old or beat out purse. It does not matter, as it will all get captivated up with textile. Aboriginal you abolish all the clamps from it. You may use a knife to do it. Accomplish abiding not to breach them, you will charge them afterward on.
Then if the backpack is bare and the actual cracks and peels at places, all those bald locations charge to be detached. This way the bolt will accurately be alert to the apparent afterward any air bubbles and pimples created on it. You may use some sandpaper to even out the apparent of your clutch.
Cut apart the catch lining. Just cut the seams open, so you would be able to blow the accouterment over the angle and cement it central in amid the admit and the purse material. This way your fancy bag refashioning would attending actual able with no bolt edges seen.

2. Admeasurement the fabric
Pick your Ankara bolt and admeasurement it adjoins the bag. You charge to amount out the admeasurement of accouterment section and how the book would go. So, the array of blanket the catch in the actual and see, area the prints should go and mark the admeasurement of the allocation you charge to cut.
Since it’s a clutch, you should accessible it and blow the bolt over the high allotment and go all the way about the purse to the added side. And do not overlook to leave the over-measure (around 5 cm on anniversary side). Now you may cut out the textile.
3. Alpha gluing
You may use your hot cement gun or any cellophane advantageous cement acceptable for fabric. Do not use burning adhesive. It would not acquiesce you to accomplish any bolt adjustments in the process. Ajar the bag and alpha gluing the bolt from the lower angle (the one you cut loose). Leave the over-measure to blow over the edge.
Smear, the gum assimilate the face allotment of the bag, stick the textile. Blow the over-measure and cement it in amid the catch bolt and lining. Accomplish a nice, brittle bend, administer some added adhering and pull the bolt so there would be no wrinkles. It has to sit nice and tight.
You would aswell charge to cut the over-measure strips off on the abandon of the fancy bag, so that the advanced angle would accurately fit central the purse. Now administer the adhering to the blow of the exoteric of the purse and cement the Ankara fabric.
Remember, you accept cut lose all the lining of the bag. Now you cycle the over-measure over the folding allotment of the catch (its allotment with the holds fixes). Administer some cement central and adumbrate that over-measure angle in amid the lining and the bag material.
Finally, we accept to attach the abandon (the over-measure fabric) of the bag. You may bend or cut the basal allocation of the over-measure, administer the gum to the catch ancillary and cement the bolt in.
4. Put the clamps aback on
All the catch openings are alert over with the fabric. So, you charge to acquisition them and cut open. Then you admit the clamps and fix them there.

5. Cement aback the lining
The locations you accept cut accessible can be alert aback alone afterward you admit the clamps. Administer some gum central the bag and adhere the lining. This way all the edges of the bolt would be hidden inside. The bag looks as acceptable as new with no signs of getting refurbished.Now you apperceive how to accomplish appealing Ankara accouterments by refashioning them and accouterment over with fabric. But what if you ambition to accomplish a new catch from the scratch? Here are 5 simple accomplish to follow
Materials and supplies:How to accomplish Ankara accouterments Materials
Ankara fabric
Unicolor fabric
Hot cement gun and aerosol adhesive
Decorative piece
1. Admeasurement and cut
Define the admeasurement of your clutch. It’s up to you and it depends on how abundant Ankara bolt you have. Let us say the came of it would be 10 cm and 20 cm in width. Thus you charge three according to pieces of agenda of 10 by 20 cm.
It is bigger to use a close and attenuate agenda for a thinner clutch. Now you charge three bolt pieces (2 unicolor and 1 Ankara). It should be 23 cm advanced and 36 cm long. You abode your agenda pieces on the actual in such a way, that the aboriginal one would leave 1 cm over-measure. Then you accomplish a gap of 2 cm and abode the next one, two added cm and the endure one and leave 1 cm of over-measure.
2. Cement calm the catch foundation
Use cement aerosol on one ancillary of agenda and fix it on the fabric. Do it with all three of them. Now use hot cement gun to cycle over and blow the edges on all four sides. Now you accept three agenda pieces absorbed to fabric.
It’s your catch foundation. Abode your Ankara face down on the table, locate the foundation on the top (cardboard accessible ancillary down) and outline its application a pen or a pencil (the agenda section is would be abated than Ankara because its edges are clipped). Do the aforementioned affair with the additional unicolor piece.
Remove the foundation. Use hot cement gun to blow the over-measure edges of Ankara. Now you accept the foundation and Ankara bolt of the aforementioned size. Abode Ankara face up on the foundation (on the agenda accessible side) and stick it down with the hot adhesive.
Now your foundation is about complete. Turn it over (Ankara allotment down). You may see the agenda through the unicolor bolt layer. Use your additional unicolor section to owning this ancillary over, accomplish it stronger and smoother with no agenda in sight. You just cement it over the aboriginal unicolor layer. You can bend the clutch. It has to abandon and no pouches yet.
3. Cement the close parts
You can accomplish 1 or 2 close compartments. Just cut out 1-2 pieces of Ankara or unicolor bolt the admeasurement of the agenda (11x21). Angle the 0.5 cm on anniversary side, blow and cement down. You get an even rectangular.
Now you disentangle the foundation and cement its three abandon (leaving out the top one) on the unicolor ancillary to the average agenda piece. You can aswell accomplish few abate pieces for pouches. They cab by 11x11 cm. You as well blow and accompany the 0.5 cm on anniversary ancillary of the fabric. You can put the pouches on the top of the capital alcove of the Ankara bag. The additional alcove can be absorbed to the lower agenda section with the low angle unglued.
4. Accomplish catch sides
Cut out two baby Ankara pieces (6x7 cm), blow their edges (0.5 cm). There are your sides. Bend the clutch. The abandon would be absorbed amid the average and the lower agenda pieces. Abode one adjustment it with the top angle and cement to the sides. The basal allotment of agenda would abide with no ancillary attached. You just stick the two basal locations together. This ancillary would accomplish the purse accessible added for you to put or yield things out.
5 Attach the catch and Decorate
You may use a section of Velcro as your clamp. The foreground of the Ankara bag can be busy with a metal décor piece, with a bean or a bolt (or leather) flower. Use hot cement to adhere them.
These two tutorials on how to accomplish Nigerian Ankara accouterments can advise you to get adroit and actualize your own accessories. You can accomplish as abounding as you ambition with actual little money spent on your appearance projects.

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